TriMas Logo
NASDAQ: TRS $23.47
-0.15 (-0.64%)

At TriMas, we understand the importance of social responsibility beyond our business operations. In addition to our commitment to environment, health and safety, we want to make a positive difference in the local communities where we operate. We do this by supporting a culture where our businesses and employees are active within their community, donating time and resources to make a difference. Just as we are committed to delivering quality products for our customers around the world, we are also committed to giving back to the communities where we live, work and do business.

With more than 3,500 global employees, we have many opportunities to contribute, and we are proud to recognize the many employees who support and sponsor various programs, charities and drives. Along with operating as a responsible partner, we urge TriMas employees to be active within their communities. We also encourage all employees to utilize the benefits of the TriMas Foundation to enhance their charitable donations of time, talent and financial contributions. The TriMas Foundation, TriMas’ charitable giving program, provides monetary support by contributing to a variety of philanthropic programs, supporting the charitable initiatives of our employees. In addition, TriMas supports and sponsors other additional activities, including: neighborhood schools, food pantries, shelters, civic organizations, blood drives and fundraising walks, just to name a few.